Strategic Planning with an Anticipatory Twist

October 14, 2021
02:00pm-03:00pm EST
SN's Skills & Performance Institute

As AE firms face an accelerating rate of change and the uncertainty of the future, a strategic plan is vital to create a sense of control and direction. Successful strategic planning goes beyond financial performance to address the critical needs required for future success.

SN presenters Kate Allen and Scott Butcher share ideas to develop a strategic plan that is meaningful, flexible, and executable. Plus, we’ll discuss how a holistic and anticipatory approach allows a firm to develop business readiness and agility, while accepting the realities of the present.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key components of a strategic plan.
  • Employ an anticipatory approach as a foundation for strategy.
  • Bring the plan to life and engage others in supporting key business initiatives.

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