The Fundamentals of Firm Valuation
Valuation is both an art and a science. The science relies on data such as historical financial information, and the art relies on the experience, discernment, and industry knowledge of the valuator. Behind every valuation result is a purpose, whether it’s an internal ownership transition, preparing a firm for outside sale, or valuing a potential acquisition target.
The information garnered from a thorough valuation can provide:
- An outside opinion of value.
- A discussion on marketability factors.
- Detailed insights of operation strengths and weaknesses.
Valuations can be a source of unique insights beyond financial performance to create an exit strategy of your choosing.
During this on demand presentation, we discuss the fundamentals of valuation, approaches and methods used, and what contributes to positive and attractive values in the AE industry, where people are the biggest asset.
After attending this webinar, attendees will:
- Understand key components used in a valuation.
- Establish a firm value that matches your business objectives.
- Leverage the valuation results for improved business performance.
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