Deltek’s 2024 AE Clarity Report

45th Annual Deltek Clarity AE Industry StudyFor over four decades, Deltek’s Clarity Study has been a benchmark for the Architecture & Engineering (A&E) industry. This year’s edition, drawing on data from 2023 and insights from 652 firms from the United States and Canada, offers an overview of industry performance, market conditions, and emerging trends.

Packed with actionable insights, the AE Clarity Study helps firms navigate challenges like talent shortages and rising labor costs. Top performers excel through operational efficiency, strategic workforce development, and leveraging technology like on-demand software solutions and artificial intelligence (AI). Merger and Acquisition (M&A) activity is also on the rise, suggesting a strategic shift in the industry.

SN thanks Deltek, ACEC, ACEC | Canada, AIA, and SMPS for their contributions and coordination of this year’s study. 

Highlights from this year’s study include:

  • Operating profit on net revenue rose 0.3% to 18.7%
  • 62% of AE firms expect artificial intelligence to improve operational efficiency 
  • 19% of AE firms impacted by cybersecurity threats in the last 18 months
  • Proposals submitted and awarded grew, yet their value decreased by 40%
  • Firms reported 69.2% of AE projects are on or under budget
  • 80% of job offers were accepted, while employee turnover decreased by 0.1%

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45th Annual Deltek A&E Clarity Report

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