Security in The Cloud

October 26, 2021
01:00pm-02:00pm EDT
SN's Skills & Performance Institute

We’re shining a light on security for Cybersecurity Awareness Month. To stay ahead of the constantly evolving cyber risk landscape, firms need to have ongoing awareness and vigilance across every aspect of their technology.

Join Taylor Mercedes for this webinar that will focus on security threats in the cloud and their impact on businesses. Additionally, participants will learn about emerging and evolving risk factors and walk through a Microsoft 365 Security Threat Assessment.

After attending, participants will understand:

  • The changing cyber landscape and its implications
  • Key risk factors in the cloud
  • How to identify vulnerabilities in the Microsoft 365 platform

Get Started: Register for the Skills & Performance Institute

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SPI | Security in The Cloud

This course is hosted and accessed exclusively within SPI. An SN representative will be in contact to complete your setup process.

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