Seller-Doer Model for AEC Professionals

September 07, 2023
12:00am-11:00pm EST
SN's Skills & Performance Institute

Cost: $400

The majority of architecture, engineering, and construction firms utilize the seller-doer model for business development, but few firms believe they are effectively using these professionals to their fullest potential. Although two-thirds to three-quarters of AEC firms employ seller-doers, research from the Society of Marketing Professionals (SMPS) has revealed that only about one-third of firms provide any type of training to their seller-doers.

Scott Butcher’s introduction of the seller-doer model for AEC professionals can help your organization fill that gap.

In this course, the learner will:

  • Explore the Seller-Doer Model for AEC Professionals.
  • Examine and adapt Seller-Doer Business Development tools across industry contexts.
  • Identify ways to leverage individual Seller-Doer strengths.

Get Started: Register for the Skills & Performance Institute

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SPI | Seller-Doer Model for AEC Professionals

This course is hosted and accessed exclusively within SPI. An SN representative will be in contact to complete your setup process.

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