The Power Couple: Power BI + Project Management

April 26, 2022
02:00pm-03:00pm EDT
SN's Skills & Performance Institute

Transform your project-related data and experience results that let you assess projects more deeply and accurately for better decision making. With so many moving parts, it’s critical that project managers see the big picture from every angle and every data source.

With Power BI, your raw data is used to create visually powerful dashboards that allow you to proactively track progress, budget, utilization, and so much more.

Join Project Management thought leader Val Higgins and Power BI Principal Technical Consultant Tom Hyde and learn how to leverage Power BI to elevate your firm’s overall project management and bottom line.

During this webinar, we’ll help you:

  • Understand the benefits of Power BI for project management
  • Enhance profitability and efficiency by using Power BI dashboards
  • Identify potential at-risk projects and manage project health

This webinar is ideal for project-based executives, finance leaders, and PM’s using Deltek Ajera, Deltek Vision, or Deltek Vantagepoint.

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SPI | The Power Couple: Power BI + Project Management

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