Demystifying Commonly Misunderstood or Unknown Tools in Ajera

December 14, 2022
01:30pm-02:30pm EST
Previously Recorded

SN’s Ajera Virtual User Group, where like-minded individuals from project-based firms converge for the opportunity to learn, collaborate, and most importantly, grow. We’re bringing together thought leaders in Architecture & Engineering, finance, and technology to help you map out your future.

Demystifying Commonly Misunderstood or Unknown Tools in Ajera

Ever wondered… what does that box or button in Ajera really do? You are not alone.

There are so many features in Ajera, and our workdays are so full that often we don’t have a chance to explore some of the “cherry on top” tools. In our final User Group of 2022, we will explore a few features we get asked about the most and review how they work.

Join us and prepare to use a few more bells and whistles in 2023!

During this event, attendees will learn:

  • About the Final Budget tool and how it interacts with Security Roles.
  • How to de-mystify your data with Sessions Journals.
  • SN’s workflow for absorbing prepayments that’ll never be applied to client invoices.

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Our Presenters
Valerie Higgins

Valerie Higgins

Shawna Pace Powers

Shawna Pace-Powers

SPI | Demystifying Commonly Misunderstood or Unknown Tools in Ajera

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